Noolaham Technology Team

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The Noolaham Foundation Technology Team is responsible for the strategic technology planning and infrastructure implementation for all of Noolaham's operations. Documentation/data collection, scanning, online library, project management and co-ordination all require cost effective software and hardware infrastructure and support.


  • Natkeeran L.K (Software Developer)
  • Vinodth (Software Developer)
  • Sundar (Information extraction specialist; perl hacker)
  • K.Sureshkumar, (Undergraduate - Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
  • Sarveswaran K (Lecturer at Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna; Open source contributor)
  • Saravanaperumal Paranetharan (Undergraduate - Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
  • Nimalaprakasan Skandhakumar
  • Uthayasanker Thayasivam
  • Balachandran Sanjith
  • Kanagasabai Erlilverl

Current Projects/To DOs

  • Change Noolaham Subject portals to one look and feel using the templates (Status: 100% - Completed Feb 27, 2012)
  • Finalizing the “Noolaham Digitalization Preservation Standards” (Status: Under review by Sarveswaran and Gopi)
  • Meta Data Web Application (Status: 80% Done)
  • Pending feedback meeting on fields
  • Provide suggestions with regards to the fields
  • Resource Access level finalization and implementation (Status: Need direction from the program team)
  • Implement multilingual media wiki in one install (Status: Need to look into this further)
  • Translate this page into Tamil
  • Get a Backup Update (Status: Gopi please update)
  • Chose a Project Management system manual or software (Need to be discussed)

Recurring Activities

  • Maintenance of the mediawiki websites (hosting, upgrades, backups)
  • Maintainanace website
  • Managing various domains
  • Mediawiki portals/template clean up

Major Upcoming Projects

  • Implementing a scheduled remote backup system
  • Implementing a project management / resource management software
  • Transition from Mediawiki to a Multimedia Digital Library Software (High priority)
  • Implementing dataset management software (maybe as part of the above)
  • Implementing user generated/managed resource management software (maybe as part digital library software)
  • Implementing semi or fully automated scanners and scanning processes (High priority)
  • Building a self-hosting server infrastructure (Long term)
  • Research