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Noolaham Foundation develops policies, procedures, guides, manuals, process and project documentation to effectively undertake its work as well as to self-archive its organizational knowledge.

Policies are developed by the Governance Board to provide direction about a concern. Procedures are developed by the Governance Board and/or Management to help implement policies or workflows. Guides are reference documents to assist someone to learn or do a specific task. Policies, procedures, guides as well process documentation are composed into manuals. Currently there are two manuals: Governance, Operations and Programs Manual 2020 and Human Resources Manual.

Policy development and implementation workflow is as below:

  • Assess the issue or the purpose for which a new policy or amendment to an existing policy is needed.
  • Gather information and consult appropriate stakeholders.
  • Draft the new policy or the amendment.
  • Finalize/approve the policy.
  • Support implementation.
  • Monitor and Evaluate that policy is being implemented.

Policy Violations

Volunteers, staff and other stakeholders must respect the policies established for all to work together. If she/he objects or sees room for improvement regarding any policy, please bring forward your suggestion to process mentors, management and/or Governance Board. Also, you can contribute your suggestions anonymously as well.

Policy violations must take into consideration the following:

  • Scope/seriousness of the violation
  • Repetitive violations
  • Prior feedback given to the person
  • Experience and training of the person

Responding to Violations

  • Violations must be documented by either management and/or Governance Board Convener and brought to Governance Board meetings. The documentation must reference specific policy violations, and include details such as who, when, where and how.
  • The Governance Board must receive input directly from the volunteer in question to tell their side of the story.
  • Noolaham Foundation policy violations related discipline shall be decided by the Governance Board.
  • Violations that need immediate response may be dealt with via email and/or a Special Governance Board meeting. Violations that would need immediate response include fraud, harrassment, discrimination, violence or threat of violence and series breach of code of conduct.
  • Disciplinary actions must be proportional and escalated based on seriousness of the behavior.
  • Illegal behaviour must be reported to respective authorities as appropriate.

The Steps of Discipline

The Steps of Discipline are adopted from Positive Discipline of Volunteers. Please refer to the link for specific details and sample letters. All written letters must be added to the Volunteer Record.

Training and Education
Provide training and education regarding the policy. Consider if policy needs to be clarified. Ask the volunteer how the organization can better support them to follow/implement the policy.

Verbal Warning
Informally, and informatively tell the volunteer the issue. Start by telling them what they are doing well, and point out the shortcoming in the larger context.

Written Warning
Provide a written warning to the volunteer via a one-on-one meeting. Be specific about the behaviour and policy violation and what different behaviour is needed.

Probation (Still contributing/working)
As above, indicate the behaviour, violation and change in behaviour needed. Further, be specific about the length of time they will be on probation. Specify under what terms the probation will end.

Someone is suspended from actively participating in Noolaham Foundation activities. This gives everyone time to regroup and reset. If the volunteer is a Governance Board board member, she/he won’t be able to attend the meeting and not be able to vote for the duration of the suspension.

Causes for termination include: Repeated and significant violation of code of conduct and other policies and procedures as outlined in NF Governance, Operations and Programs manual. Serious one-time violations of rules, e.g. harrassment, discrimination, theft, violence

Responding to Violations

  • Violations must be documented by either management and/or Governance Board Convener and brought to Governance Board meetings. The documentation must reference specific policy violations, and include details such as who, when, where and how.
  • The Governance Board must receive input directly from the volunteer in question to tell their side of the story.
  • Noolaham Foundation policy violations related discipline shall be decided by the Governance Board.
  • Violations that need immediate response may be dealt with via email and/or a Special Governance Board meeting. Violations that would need immediate response include fraud, harrassment, discrimination, violence or threat of violence and series breach of code of conduct.
  • Disciplinary actions must be proportional and escalated based on seriousness of the behavior.
  • Illegal behaviour must be reported to respective authorities as appropriate.

The Steps of Discipline

The Steps of Discipline are adopted from Positive Discipline of Volunteers. Please refer to the link for specific details and sample letters. All written letters must be added to the Volunteer Record.

Training and Education
Provide training and education regarding the policy. Consider if policy needs to be clarified. Ask the volunteer how the organization can better support them to follow/implement the policy.

Verbal Warning
Informally, and informatively tell the volunteer the issue. Start by telling them what they are doing well, and point out the shortcoming in the larger context.

Written Warning
Provide a written warning to the volunteer via a one-on-one meeting. Be specific about the behaviour and policy violation and what different behaviour is needed.

Probation (Still contributing/working)
As above, indicate the behaviour, violation and change in behaviour needed. Further, be specific about the length of time they will be on probation. Specify under what terms the probation will end.

Someone is suspended from actively participating in Noolaham Foundation activities. This gives everyone time to regroup and reset. If the volunteer is a Governance Board board member, she/he won’t be able to attend the meeting and not be able to vote for the duration of the suspension.

Causes for termination include: Repeated and significant violation of code of conduct and other policies and procedures as outlined in NF Governance, Operations and Programs manual. Serious one-time violations of rules, e.g. harrassment, discrimination, theft, violence